Smile Transformations in Sunnyside, Calgary

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A New Smile Awaits

We understand how important your smile is to your quality of life. Not only is your oral health important to your overall health, but a great smile can also help you feel and look your best.

We want you to love your smile, and we offer a comprehensive smile transformation process to address your concerns, support your oral health, and help you achieve the look and feel you want from your teeth.

No matter where you are in your oral health journey, our team is always ready to help. Start today by requesting an appointment at Kensington Dental Care.

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What Are Smile Transformations?

It’s natural to experience a few minor concerns with your teeth over your life. However, these issues could affect how you feel about your smile and contribute to other worries over time.

Our smile transformation process identifies these concerns and creates a unique dental strategy to address them. By the end of your treatment, our goal is to help you achieve a smile that reflects your natural beauty and supports your oral health needs.

The Process

Every smile is different, so we create our smile transformation plan from the ground up to address your unique needs and concerns. We take into consideration:

Once we develop a strategy right for you, we will start the process. Some smile transformations can take a few months or maybe a few years to complete, but it ultimately depends on what your strategy entails.

In certain situations, we may refer you to our vast network of dental specialists to help address specific concerns, but our team will oversee the entire process from start to finish.

There’s Always a Reason to Love Your Smile

Talk to us today if you struggle with finding the beauty in your smile. Our comprehensive smile transformation consultation will walk you through some of the strategies we can offer and start your journey toward falling in love with your smile again.

Request your appointment today.

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Where To Find Us

Find us on beautiful 10 St. NW in Sunnyside, Calgary. Parking is available behind our building.


  • 204-320 10 St. NW
  • Calgary, AB T2N 1V8


*We are closed alternate Mondays and Fridays. Please call us for availability.

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