Our Dental Clinic in NW Calgary

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Your Smile Is Our Focus

Your experience is at the core of the care we provide.

From the moment you start your appointment, our team is by your side and ready to answer your questions, address your concerns, and offer strategies that work best for you and your smile. Not only do we help you take great care of your oral health, we also provide comprehensive solutions for uncovering the confident, glowing smile you’ve always wanted.

It all starts with an appointment. Request yours today and find out how the team at Kensington Dental Care can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

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Meet Dr. Geoff Van Blaricom

Dr. Geoff Van Blaricom has been practicing Dentistry for over 30 years. He is a member of the Canadian Dental Association, Alberta Dental Association and College as well as the American Dental Association.

Our Staff


Audrey Phillips

Dental Hygienist


Deborah Weselake

Dental Hygienist


Barbara Bittman

Dental Hygienist


Wendy Wilson

Dental Assistant


Helen Nodrick

Office Administrator


Kylie Wilson

Sterilization Technician

Where To Find Us

Find us on beautiful 10 St. NW in Sunnyside, Calgary. Parking is available behind our building.


  • 204-320 10 St. NW
  • Calgary, AB T2N 1V8


*We are closed alternate Mondays and Fridays. Please call us for availability.

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