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Category: Orthodontics

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5 Ways to Fix Crooked Teeth

A closeup of a woman pointing at her beautiful, bright, straight smile.

Enhancing the smile by correcting any extent of teeth misalignment provides more than a confidence boost. A straight, aligned smile also helps preserve and maintain your dental health.  Choosing the most suitable treatment option will depend on the severity of misalignment, expected results, and your dental concerns.  Understanding Teeth Misalignment Difficulty cleaning between hard-to-reach crevices […]

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Where To Find Us

Find us on beautiful 10 St. NW in Sunnyside, Calgary. Parking is available behind our building.


  • 204-320 10 St. NW
  • Calgary, AB T2N 1V8


*We are closed alternate Mondays and Fridays. Please call us for availability.

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