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Veneers vs. Crowns: Which Is Right For You

A man sitting in a dentist's chair, holding up a mirror and smiling with his dentist in the background

Your smile is unique, but your teeth are not invincible. Sometimes, chips, cracks, and other types of damage can begin to affect your smile. Fortunately, your dentist can help by installing either veneers or a dental crown. But what is the difference between these two choices? Veneers are a common choice for fixing cosmetic issues […]

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Does Baking Soda Whiten Teeth?

A woman using baking soda on her toothbrush to whiten her teeth

When it comes to teeth whitening, people go to great lengths to achieve brighter and healthier smiles. While several teeth whitening options are available, some people prefer natural remedies like baking soda.  You might have heard people recommending baking soda to whiten teeth, but the question is, does it actually work? Baking soda’s textures can […]

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Find us on beautiful 10 St. NW in Sunnyside, Calgary. Parking is available behind our building.


  • 204-320 10 St. NW
  • Calgary, AB T2N 1V8


*We are closed alternate Mondays and Fridays. Please call us for availability.

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